Dec 2 Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Monday, December 2,2024: WEEK #2; CYCLE DAY F


We would like to acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaw people. 

We would also like to acknowledge people of African ancestry, whose histories and legacies have contributed to Nova Scotia for over 400 years.

Upcoming Dates/Reminders:

Dec 5 - Parent/Teacher meetings, no school.

Elevator Keys

Please ensure that all elevator keys are returned by the end of the day.

Drama Club

The drama club will be meeting today to practice for the X-Rounds Improv Tournament next week. We will meet in the library from 2:30 to 3:30. 

Chess Club

Chess club will take place on Tuesday in Mr. Nagle’s room #111.

Lost and Found

Please check out the lost and found items across from the office for your lost items.