March 4 Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tuesday March 4th,2025: WEEK #2; CYCLE DAY G


We would like to acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaw people. 

We would also like to acknowledge people of African ancestry, whose histories and legacies have contributed to Nova Scotia for over 400 years.

Upcoming Dates/Reminders:

  • Assessment and Evaluation Day - March 7th (No School) 

  • March Break - March 10 - 14th 


Just a reminder to students that you need to head to your secondary location at 12pm everyday. Students need to come prepared to head outside at 12pm. The library will be open for the first 30-35 students, if the gym is closed you will need to head outside. 

Flag Football -Flag football tryout times have been posted outside of the gym.

Grade 8 Tuesday March 4th - Girls 2:30 - 4:00pm and Boys 4:00 - 5:30pm

Grade 7 Thursday March 6th - Girls 2:30 - 4:00pm and Boys 4:00pm - 5:30pm

Grade 9 Section: 

Grade 9 Grad Photos

Harvey Studio Photographers will be here at Astral today, Wednesday & Thursday for Gr.9 Graduation pictures.  Your time slot has been posted on the window of the main office.  Please pay attention to your date and time, as some classes are spread over 2 days.  Come prepared for your picture time to be moved up to the morning, as we are going through the list very fast and most photos will be completed in the morning.  


It's that time of year again, Grades 9’s  The yearbook club is looking for baby pictures of our Grade 9 graduates.  The photo needs to be a digital original and not condensed from social media sites.  Please send your picture along with your name and homeroom to Mr. Lukenda through email or Google Drive. (

Grade 9 Citizenship Award 

Grade 9 Students – Are you ready to showcase your leadership skills and commitment to service? The HRM Citizenship Award is now accepting applications, and we want YOU to consider applying!

This prestigious award recognizes students who exemplify outstanding qualities of leadership within our school and community. If you're someone who takes initiative, inspires others, and actively contributes to making a positive impact, then this award is for you. Please pick up an application from Ms. Lannon’s office and submit it by Wednesday, March 19th. Applications will be reviewed by school staff, and one outstanding applicant will be selected for recognition.

Don't miss this opportunity to be recognized for your contributions and dedication to our community!


Today is a BIG birthday for our custodian, Mr. Marc!  He loves high fives, be sure to give him one when you see him in the hallways.


Students, please be aware that eating in the library is a privilege.  Failure to pick up your garbage and disrespecting our space will result in you having to find an alternative eating area.  If this continues, we may have to close the library to eating and open it at 12:00pm.

Lap top

We are looking for a laptop that is missing from the school parking lot.  If you picked it up, please return it to the office.  The tracker on it has been activated.  

Drama Club

The drama club will meet today from 2:30 to 3:45 in the library today.