February 12 Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Wednesday February 12th,2025: WEEK #1; CYCLE DAY C


We would like to acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaw people. 

We would also like to acknowledge people of African ancestry, whose histories and legacies have contributed to Nova Scotia for over 400 years.

Upcoming Dates/Reminders:

  • February is African Heritage Month  

  • February 17 is Heritage Day (No classes) Honouring Nora Bernard

African Heritage Month 

Did you know: 

While Rosa Parks is credited with helping to spark the civil rights movement when she refused to give up her public bus seat to a white man in Alabama in 1955 - inspiring the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the lesser - known Claudette Colvin, was arrested nine months prior for not giving up her bus seat to white passengers. 

Get to know:

George Dixon born in Africville in 1870, was the first Canadian boxer to win a World Championship and the first Black World Champion. Dixon used his platform and earnings to support Black boxers and Black communities around Nova Scotia. 

African Heritage Month Quiz Team

The Quiz team will meet today at 11:35am.  Please bring your lunch and your study guides. We will meet in Mr. Karl’s room 126.

Best Buddies 

Best Buddies will meet Thursday at lunch in the learning centre.

Lost and Found

Please check out the lost and found across from the office for your lost items.  The items will remain there until end of day Friday, February 14th.


There will be a badminton tryout for grade 7 and 8s today and Friday at lunch.

Spirit Week!!

Hey Mustangs! Our spirit week has begun! Students and staff are encouraged to show their school spirit! 

Tomorrow will be “Mad for Plaid Day’ - Wear plaid!

Friday will be “Love in Style Day” - Wear Valentine’s Day clothes and accessories.

Lunch time

The library will be open and the gym will open for badminton only.  Please keep in mind that it will be an outdoor lunch, bring your outdoor clothing from your locker at the beginning of lunch. 

Girls Basketball

Both the varsity and junior varsity girls basketball teams have their last practice today from 3:00 to 4:30. Girls are asked to bring their uniforms for yearbook pictures.