ANNOUNCEMENTS: Thursday February 6th,2025: WEEK #2; CYCLE DAY I
We would like to acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaw people.
We would also like to acknowledge people of African ancestry, whose histories and legacies have contributed to Nova Scotia for over 400 years.
Upcoming Dates/Reminders:
February is African Heritage Month
February is Registration Month
February 17 is Heritage Day (No classes) Honouring Nora Bernard
African Heritage Month
Did you know:
For over a hundred years, the African Nova Scotian community resided in Africville. Located on the northern shore of Halifax Harbour, the community was destroyed in the 1960s to make way for industrial development. Forcibly relocated, the former residents of Africville and their descendants were scattered. This is an example of the “urban renewal” trend that destroyed similar neighbourhoods across Canada.
Get to know:
Delmore "Buddy" Daye
Was a boxer, activist, and community leader, Delmore William “Buddy” Daye, was born in New Glasgow, and grew up in Halifax. He became one of Nova Scotia’s national and international legends. From a young age, he began his fight for racial dignity. His inherent Afrocentric roots led him to believe that Black people were not inferior to anyone, and he lived his life that way. Daye was the first Sergeant-at-Arms of African descent for the Nova Scotia House of Assembly.
Best Buddies
Reminder to Best Buddies to bring in your field trip permission slips ASAP!
Tunnel Vision Leadership Bootcamp
Those involved in the Tunnel Vision Leadership Bootcamp we’ll be meeting tomorrow February 7th at 11:35 am Mr. Karl’s room 126. Bring your lunch!
Halifax Public Library
Join us today for Club Queirdo at Cole Harbour Public Library from 4-5:30 to make Polymer Clay! It is open to all junior high and high school students as long as they are allies, it is totally free, and there are snacks.
Grade 9 Course Selection
Grade 9 students are reminded to get their course selection sheets signed and returned to their homeroom teacher or Ms. Lannon.
There will be a leadership meeting tomorrow, February 7th, at 11:35 in Mme Chiasson’s room. Please bring your lunch.
Spirit Week!!
Hey Mustangs! Our next spirit week is right around the corner! Students and staff are encouraged to show their school spirit starting this coming Monday, February 10th through to Friday, February 14th.
Monday will be “Love to lounge Day - Wear your comfiest clothing/Pjs.
Tuesday will be “Show your true colors Day - Wear your favorite color head to toe.
Wednesday will be “Hoodie Love Day” - Wear your favorite hoodie!
Thursday will be “Mad for Plaid Day’ - Wear plaid!
Friday will be “Love in Style Day” - Wear Valentine’s Day clothes and accessories.
Friday at lunch from 1135-12:20 there will be the first badminton tryout. This will be for grade 7s and 8s only.
The gym will be open today at lunch for girls only.
Girls Basketball
Congratulations to the girls basketball team on their semi-final win against Bi-High yesterday. The team will practice today from 2:30-4:00. This practice is for the varsity team only.
Drama Club
The drama club will meet today in the library from 2:30 to 3:30.