February 7 Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Friday February 7th,2025: WEEK #2; CYCLE DAY I


We would like to acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaw people. 

We would also like to acknowledge people of African ancestry, whose histories and legacies have contributed to Nova Scotia for over 400 years.

Upcoming Dates/Reminders:

  • February is African Heritage Month  

  • February is Registration Month 

  • February 17 is Heritage Day (No classes) Honouring Nora Bernard

African Heritage Month 

Did you know: 

That the theme of African Heritage Month changes each year. Often focusing and highlighting specific aspects of Black culture and/or history. 

Get to know:

Lindell Wigginton

From Halifax and North Preston, Nova Scotia, Lindell attended Prince Arthur High School and is a Canadian Professional Basketball Player. While playing for teams like the Toronto Raptors and the Milwaukee Bucks of the National Basketball Association, he was averaging 16 points per game. 

Tunnel Vision Leadership Bootcamp

Those involved in the Tunnel Vision Leadership Bootcamp we’ll be meeting at lunch 11:35 in Mr. Karl’s room 126. Bring Your Lunch!


Any Grade 9’s who wish to be part of the yearbook club are asked to come to Mr. Lukenda’s Lab at lunch on Tuesday February 11th.

Lost and Found

Please check out the lost and found across from the office for your lost items.  The items will remain there until end of day Friday, February 14th.

Lunch time

The library will be open, the gym will be closed except for the badminton team.  Please keep in mind that it will be an outdoor lunch, bring your outdoor clothing from your locker at the beginning of lunch. 


There will be a leadership meeting today at 11:35 in Mme Chiasson’s room. Please bring your lunch.


If you have your Los Primos tickets with you today please bring them to Mrs. this morning before 10:35.  If you forget to bring them to the office! All ticket (sold and unsold are due back on Tuesday!!!!

Spirit Week!!

Hey Mustangs! Our next spirit week is right around the corner! Students and staff are encouraged to show their school spirit starting this coming Monday, February 10th through to Friday, February 14th. 

Monday will be “Love to lounge Day - Wear your comfiest clothing/Pjs.

Tuesday will be “Show your true colors Day - Wear your favorite color head to toe.

Wednesday will be “Hoodie Love Day” - Wear your favorite hoodie! 

Thursday will be “Mad for Plaid Day’ - Wear plaid!

Friday will be “Love in Style Day” - Wear Valentine’s Day clothes and accessories.