ANNOUNCEMENTS: Wednesday February 5th,2025: WEEK #2; CYCLE DAY H
We would like to acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaw people.
We would also like to acknowledge people of African ancestry, whose histories and legacies have contributed to Nova Scotia for over 400 years.
Upcoming Dates/Reminders:
February is African Heritage Month
February is Registration Month
February 17 is Heritage Day (No classes) Honouring Nora Bernard
Any Gr. 9 student interested in helping to create our school yearbook is asked to come to Mr. Lukenda’s lab at lunch on Tuesday February 4th.
We are looking for pictures of you and your friends here at Astral. If you have any pics of you participating on any teams, clubs, or school events, please share them through Google Drive or e-mail them to Mr. Lukenda at
Cole Harbour Library
The public library is celebrating Lunar New Year by making Shrink Plastic Snakes in room 106 today at lunch. As always, it is free to participate and there will be snacks!
The gym is open today at lunch for the badminton team only.
African Heritage Month Quiz Team
The Quiz team will meet today at 11:35am. Please bring your lunch and your study guides. We will meet in Mr. Karl’s room 126
African Heritage Month
Did you know:
The first Black History Month in Nova Scotia was observed in 1988 and later renamed African Heritage Month in 1996. Nova Scotia can be said to be the birthplace of Black Culture and heritage in Canada, boasting the largest Indigenous Black community in Canada.
Get to know:
Hattie B. Brown, a Black Canadian woman from Ontario, was the first Black woman to serve as a teacher in Canada’s public school system. She began teaching in the early 1900’s, a time when many Black people faced significant racial barriers in education. Brown’s career was groundbreaking, and she became a strong advocate for equal access to education, breaking down racial barriers and paving the way for future generations of Black educators in Canada.