SAC Meeting November, 2024


School Advisory Council - MEETING MINUTES

November 26, 2024


In attendance: Lisa Vaughan, Colleen Lannon, Tanya Deveau, Stephanie Wylde, Christine Emberley (Co-Chair), Sophie Emberley, Mike Swinemer, Johnathan Dean, Amanda Crabtree (Recorder)

Regrets: Bianca Clarke, Krista McCutcheon, Dave MacRae, Cassandra McGrath (Co-Chair), Alexa Quillan, Owen Goodman,

  1. Call to order  

  2. Approval of agenda & minutes
    1. Agenda approved as circulated
    2. Minutes approved
  3. New Business

  4. Student Rep Reports
    1. Grade 7 – Sophie – The Remembrance Day ceremony went well and students could hear the presentation. 
    2. Grade 8 & 9 - deferred
  5. School Administration Highlights - Lisa provided her report of highlights from school administration for the past month (see attached).
  6. Fire Marshall Report – The Fire Marshall attended the school to conduct an inspection. Some changes are needed for compliance. The flags need to be removed from the lobby, posters cannot be attached to the walls or in stairwells, power cords need to be checked and any small appliances in offices/classrooms need to be removed. All schools in the province will be done by January. 
  7. SAC Grant – Funds are available to support student achievement in priority areas of math, literacy and well-being. Last year a Google form was done for teachers to request funds. The group agreed for Lisa to send a similar type of form to teachers again to solicit requests. 
    Old Business

  1. No updates
  2. Special Reports and Presentations 
    1. SAC Conference highlights
      1. Tanya attended as chair and gave the following overview. It was a great conference. The lunch program was discussed. Dr. Strang was in attendance. The attendees were divided into break out rooms and discussed the code of conduct and the behavioural policy for the afternoon. A draft code of conduct is now available online and feedback is being accepted. The draft had clearer language about what constitutes unacceptable behaviour. Once approved it will be important to educate kids on what and why certain behaviours are unacceptable. 
  3. Next Meeting Date – January 28, 2025; 6pm ADJH Library


  1. Adjournment