Astral Drive Junior High

January 18th, 2022


February 1st        SAC Meeting 6:00pm
February 2nd        Groundhog Day
February 18th      PD Day PP-12 (no classes)
February 21st      Heritage Day (no classes) – The Landscape of Grand Pré World Heritage Site

We acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, which is the traditional ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq people.

Please note that Ms. Demers is taking applications to go to the Library at lunch time in your cohorts.  You can find the Google Form to fill out on the ADJH Library website.  Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Library's link.  There are only a few spots open, so the entire class cannot go.  Fill out your information, and Ms. Demers will let you know when your time slot is.  Finalization of the Library use at lunch time will be made by the end of the week.