Astral Drive Junior High

October 1st, 2021

October 1st           Terry Fox Walk (morning at 10:35am)

October 5th           SAC Meeting

October 11th         Thanksgiving (no classes)

October 22nd        Provincial Conference Day P-12 (no classes)

October 28th         Lifetouch - Students Photos - RETAKES

We acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, which is the traditional ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq people.

There will be a very brief meeting for all students interested in participating in Cross Country this year in room 204 at 2:30pm today (Friday Oct 1st) with Mrs. Carter!


Astral Drive Junior High is starting up our GSA Club, again. GSA stands for Gender Sexuality Alliance. GSA's are student-led clubs in schools that support LGBTQ youth and their allies. GSA's help make schools safer by providing a space free of judgment and assumptions. If you are interested, in joining, please join us in Ms. Campbell's room, room 221, Wednesday October 6th at the beginning of lunch!


Boys’ soccer practice today - Friday, after school, at 2:40pm on the ADJH field.

Girls’ soccer team played well in a tough game Wednesday against Ellenvale.The girls won 4-2; goal scorers were Ally with 2, Lydia and Riley with 1 each! Yeah girls!


This year our school is on a 10-day schedule; Week 1 & Week 2: 

Calendar is posted on our Website:

Week #1 – Cycle Days A-E
Monday – Cycle Day A
Tuesday – Cycle Day B
Wednesday – Cycle Day C
Thursday – Cycle Day D
Friday Cycle Day E

Week #2 – Cycle Days F-J
Monday – Cycle Day F
Tuesday – Cycle Day G
Wednesday – Cycle Day H
Thursday – Cycle Day I
Friday – Cycle Day J