Astral Drive Junior High

June 27th, 2023


June 28th          Grace 9 Closing Ceremony (10:00am – gym)
June 29th          Assessment & Evaluation Day PP-12 (no classes)
June 30th          Report Cards Go Home via EduPost – Early Dismissal – Last Day

We would like to acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaw people. The Treaties of Peace and Friendship cover this territory.


The last D&D club of the year will take place today! Have an 'adventurous' summer everyone!


The library’s annual book sale is happening for one more day.  All books are 10 cents each.  Some good finds for summer reading gifts!

Also, the Library Club is holding their final meeting of the year after school today.

TEEN NIGHTS’ COLE HARBOUR LIBRARY from 6:00-7:30pm (grades 7 & up)

Since June is often a very stressful time for Teens, the theme of this month is Regress and DeStress. Teen Night is always on Tuesdays from 6-7:30pm at Cole Harbour Public Library and we'll have snacks every week.

June 27: Candy Gambling

Learn to play a few classic card games and win candy!  We’ll give you a bag of candy to start out with; whatever you end up with is up to you (and luck…. mostly luck).

We are so excited for this Summer at the Library! We have something special planned for teens for almost every day and we'd love to have you join us!

Teen Takeover: Join us in the Teen Section from 2-5pm on Tuesdays through Fridays all summer long for special activities! Each week has a theme, and each day will highlight a particular activity, but you can always do the other activities from the same week on the wrong day (while supplies last). Activities will include everything from making lip gloss out of melted crayons to completing an escape room in a box. The attached calendars and handbills list the themes for each week and day.

Teen Night: Tuesdays are still Teen Nights during the summer! Join us most Tuesday nights in the Teen Section from 6-7:30pm for activities, friends, and snacks!

Teen Tech: We have a couple of special drop-in tech events planned for the summer! Come by the Teen Section from 2-5pm on these dates for some hands-on tech time.
Monday, July 10: Virtual Reality
Monday, July 24: Rolling Robots
Saturdays, August 26: Specdrums


Contact Ali (782) 641-6385 or for more information

If you are…….
Available Tuesday, Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays from 2-5pm this summer
Friendly and welcoming
Good in a group
WE NEED YOU to be a Teen Takeover Assistant


REMINDER TO STUDENTS: You can return their pop-up books, DVDs, graphic novels, etc. to the school library before the end of the year?

They can also return them to any of the HPL branches anytime.

This does NOT apply to materials they borrowed at the June pop-up, which they are welcome to keep until next school year.

We no longer have overdue fines, but materials age to lost after they are overdue more than 30 days. There are replacement charges for lost items, but these charges are deleted as soon as the item is returned. If students have any concerns about lost items, please have them contact me directly and I'll take care of it.