Astral Drive Junior High

November 4th, 2021


November 7th             Daylight Savings Time Ends
November 11th           Remembrance Day (no classes)
November 16 & 17th   Immunizations – Grade 7 & 8’s
November 19th           Assessment & Evaluation Day P-9 (no classes)
November 22nd          Term 2 Begins
November 24th           Report Cards Go Home
November 24th           Parent-Teacher Phone Calls 3:00-5:00pm
November 25th           Professional Development (morning) – NO CLASSES for students
November 25th           Parent-Teacher Phone Calls 1:00-3:00pm – NO CLASSES for students

We acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, which is the traditional ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq people.

Reminder to students, it is that time of year!  Cold in the morning, warmer in the afternoon.  So please, dress in for the conditions (in layers – mittens/gloves/hat in your bookbag).

1)  MOVIE CLUB – Fridays during lunch in Guidance! There is a limit of 20 so please come right at lunch dismissal.
2)  Calling all Settlers of Catan, Dungeons and Dragons and Board Game fans! Tuesdays at lunch meet in Guidance!  Bring your lunch!