Astral Drive Junior High

September 27th, 2021

September 29th    Curriculum Night – Virtual
September 29th    Orange Shirt Day
September 30th    Truth and Reconciliation Day (no classes)
October 1st           Terry Fox Walk (morning)
October 5th           SAC Meeting

We acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, which is the traditional ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq people.


Library closed today – Ms. Demers is absent.

The Library Club is meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, after school.  If you are interested in joining, please stop by.


The boys played a great game on Thursday against Gaetz Brook beating them 4-1. A practice will be scheduled for Tuesday after school on the Astral Field at 2:40. All team members must attend.

ORANGE SHIRT DAY (September 29th) & TRUTH and RECONCILIATION DAY (September 30th)
On September 30th, Nova Scotia will observe the first annual Truth and Reconciliation Day. The purpose of this day is to honour those who attended Residential Schools in Canada and to acknowledge the harm and intergenerational trauma experienced by First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Survivors, their families and their communities.
All public schools will be closed on September 30. The HRCE calendar has been updated to observe this day of reflection.
Leading up to Truth and Reconciliation Day, schools will participate in various learning opportunities about Canada’s history of residential schools. September 30 is also Orange Shirt Day – a national movement to recognize the experiences of residential school survivors and to demonstrate a collective belief that every child matters. This day calls for all Canadians to wear orange in the spirit of healing and reconciliation. If you are unfamiliar with the story behind this movement, click here.  This year, Orange Shirt Day will be honoured on September 29 in HRCE. 

What can you do? 

Truth and Reconciliation Day is an opportunity for Nova Scotians to learn more about Canada’s history of residential schools and their ongoing legacy. I encourage you to use this day to lean in, to listen and to learn about our shared history.

Here are a just few suggestions:

•             Ask your children what they are learning in school about residential schools.
•             Attend Reconciliation on the Waterfront events (September 30-October 2), organized by the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre.
•             Take time to explore the resources available through the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation.
•             Review the 94 Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action and commit to at least one.

We are all treaty people!


This year our school is on a 10-day schedule; Week 1 & Week 2: 

Calendar is posted on our Website:

Week #1 – Cycle Days A-E
Monday – Cycle Day A
Tuesday – Cycle Day B
Wednesday – Cycle Day C
Thursday – Cycle Day D
Friday Cycle Day E

Week #2 – Cycle Days F-J
Monday – Cycle Day F
Tuesday – Cycle Day G
Wednesday – Cycle Day H
Thursday – Cycle Day I
Friday – Cycle Day J