Astral Drive Junior High

April 12th, 2021


April 22nd   Earth Day

We acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, which is the traditional ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq people.

Starting Tuesday – April 6th, anyone who wishes to stay in the Library at lunch time MUST sign up.  There are 17 seats set 6 feet apart.  A Google Form is available on the ADJH Library website.

Also, in the Library, Ms. Demers is introducing another seasonal colouring contest!  Stop by to pick up your colouring page.  No two pages are alike, so choose carefully.  The most inspiring piece will be rewarded at the end of April!


Just a reminder to students to please remember to wear your school-provided mask or your own mask every day and to make sure your mask covers your nose!  Also, (1) when you enter the building to sanitize your hands (2) walking through the halls in single file/social distance where possible, (3) bring your water bottle to school and (4) before you are dismissed for lunch, please remove all items off your desk so they can be cleaned during the lunch break.