June 6th, 2024
We would like to acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaw people. The Treaties of Peace and Friendship cover this territory
We recognize that African Nova Scotians are a distinct people whose histories, legacies and contributions have enriched Nova Scotia for over 400 years.
Drama Club
The drama club will meet after school today for rehearsals from 2:30 to 3:30.
Cole Harbour Library
Join us tonight for Club Queirdo at Cole Harbour Public Library from 4-5:30 to make Rainbow Resin! It is open to all junior high and high school students as long as they are allies, it is totally free, and we’re making cotton candy. That's Club Queirdo Rainbow Resin and Cotton Candy program happening at CH library tonight from 4-5:30pm.
Library Club
Ms. Demers keeps finding great books as she sets out more titles for sale in the Library. For 10 cents each, you might just find something to pass your summer days. Books also make great gifts or even art work!
School Dance
Our last school dance of the year will be held tonight from 6:30-8:30pm. This dance will be for grades 7, 8 and our grade 6 friends who will be joining ADJH in September. Dance fee of $6.00 and can be paid via School Cash up until lunchtime today.