May 9th, 2024
We would like to acknowledge that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaw people. The Treaties of Peace and Friendship cover this territory
We recognize that African Nova Scotians are a distinct people whose histories, legacies and contributions have enriched Nova Scotia for over 400 years.
Colby Village Elementary School
The Colby Village Elementary School Spring Fair is taking place on Saturday, May 25th from 11 am - 2 pm. Their gymnasium will be full of games and they’d love your help to run them!
Please sign up on the sign-up sheet at the main office and include your contact info (email or text).
Library Club
Tomorrow in the Library, for 25 cents, you can toss some old books into a box to win a prize! Remember to bring your change as this is a fun……fundraiser!
Yearbooks can now be purchased via the Lifetouch website for $30.
Cole Harbour Library
D&D Character Creation Workshop. Ever wanted to try Dungeons & Dragons? This fantasy role-playing tabletop game is tons of fun, but it can be hard to know how to start. Drop by to meet with our character creation wizards who can walk you through all the steps and help you invent your D&D alter-ego!
Today from 3:30-6:00pm Grade 5 - Adult
Best Buddies
Best Buddies will meet today at lunch in the learning centre.
Water Bottles
There are numerous water bottles on the table outside of the gym. If yours is there, please pick it up. The water bottles will remain there until the end of day Friday.
Boys Softball
Softball tryouts are cancelled for today. Tryouts will be Wednesday and Thursday of next week at 4:15pm.
There will be a leadership meeting tomorrow, May 10th, at 11:35 in Mme Chiasson’s room. Please bring your lunch.
Missing shoes
A pair of pink and orange Air Max 270’s went missing from the bench on the field yesterday after school. If anybody has found them, please drop them off at the office and I will get them back to the owner.
Drama Club
The drama club will meet today for rehearsals from 2:30 to 3:30 in the library.